Thursday, February 9, 2012

As humans we can all define the value of things independently.  Some have even said "ones man's trash is another man's treasure."  Someone taking the route to higher education in their life can help them become things they have always dreamed of becoming.  Getting a bachelors degree can give someone the education they don't have and the ability to use that knowledge-hopefully.  However there are those who do have the knowledge, but unfortunately to strive in society they are forced to get the degree anyway.  They are forced to financially and emotionally stress for many years.
Some hoping to become teachers in any subject or art have to obtain higher education.  Even if the person has extreme talent in spreading knowledge to others.  No matter how much of a master they are of their trade they will never survive in society.  Merely because they did not put themselves through the college life.  If they have, they are guaranteed a better chance in obtaining employment than someone who has not.  Because of this many are put against their will and undergo the life of a college student.  Either to go on and become the teacher they've always wanted to be, or broken and fallen to a life less involved in the initial life goal.  
The worth of obtaining the degree would be very high for anyone who obtains one.  Holding something of high value will take you further in life and keep opening doors.  The procedure for obtaining a degree is the most difficult task and where most concern of it's worth comes from.

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